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Aldar Eesti OÜ is an Estonian-capital based retail and wholesale company with widely known brands such as CityAlko, SuperAlko, Sadama Turg, Kai Kohvik, Aldar Market, Aldar Cash&Carry and Kochi Aidad. Our chain consists of 11 grocery stores and 34 stores specialising in beverages and tobacco, plus Kai Café and Kochi Brewery in the Tallinn harbour area. 2018. At the beginning of 2010, we added Aldar Cash&Carry, a wholesale unit for food, consumer goods and alcohol, to our brands, based mainly in the former Helter wholesale warehouse, which is well known in the Virumaa region. Already today, we are ready to serve retail, entertainment and catering businesses across Estonia. We are client-oriented and value long-term cooperation. For all our good loyal customers, we offer a great range of products at great prices and a wide range of promotional offers. We currently have 300 business clients in our client base.

CityAlko aktsepteerib Kaubamajaka kinkekaarti